NUTRISHIELD - “Fact-based personalised nutrition for the young” is a recently funded EU project within an international consortium of 16 partners supported by H2020-SFS-2018-2020 (EU funding of about 7200k euros).
NUTRISHIELD aims at creating a personalised platform for the young. The platform will consist of novel methods & techniques, which analyse a wide range of biomarkers related to nutrition and health disorders. Based on findings, the platform then uses ICT, by expanding existing nutrition assistive mobile apps, in order to provide feedback and steering people towards a better nutrition. This takes into account the way each person responds to different nutrients and food types, by also analysing phenotype, genome expression, microbiome composition, health condition, mental & psychological condition, as well as financial capabilities for procuring food.
Sweetbee will be involved in the design and development of the NUTRISHIELD App & platform. It will capitalise on its experience from building the Platemate (www.platemate.be) and Carbcounter applications, and will provide invaluable input to the project regarding the monitoring of dietary habits and public acceptance of App usage.
The work includes collaboration with Alpes Lasers (Neuchatel, Switzerland) and Vertoyo (Greece), VUB (Belgium).