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Platemate in your browser

with the website platemate.be you will get access to the complete database of Sweetbee. Register, and you're all set to go. Make your own meals and set your targets, or just out of curiosity check your latest dessert. As a diabetes patient, you can enter your bloodglucoselevels before or after your meal. Giving you a perfect overview of your blood glucose values.


NUTRISHIELD - “Fact-based personalised nutrition for the young” is a recently funded EU project within an international...


Sometimes you're advized to have a snack of one carb unit. Most of the time this is quit a calculation to find the exact...

Free Apps

The Sweetbee apps are created to make your live easy. Giving you quick insights on your diabetes. The apps can be downloaded through the ’App Store of ITunes,  and the Google android store


Sweetbee BV | Van 'tSestichlaan 3 | 3020 Herent | T +32 (0)475 30 61 43 | F +32 (0)16 29 95 77 | admin@sweetbee.be