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Leave your information here, and recieve the FREE information package

Ask your free Sweetbee® package, loads of information on diabetes, medical information, offers for products and a nutrition guide that will help you counting carbohydrates. Pick it up at one of the many collection points. Already more then100.000 families have it on their shelf.

Stock is renewed every 6 months with 20.000 pieces

Check out our collection points

De meegedeelde gegevens worden geregistreerd in het gegevensbestand van Sweetbee®, Mechelsesteenweg 91, 3012 te Wilsele om uw aanvraag te beantwoorden en u op de hoogte te houden van onze activiteiten. Sweetbee® behoudt deze gegevens om statistische reden, medische gegevens worden onder geen enkel beding doorgegeven aan derden. U kan uw gegevens steeds raadplegen, verbeteren of laten schrappen uit ons bestand. Bekijk hier de Privacy policy.


NUTRISHIELD - “Fact-based personalised nutrition for the young” is a recently funded EU project within an international...

Sometimes you're advized to have a snack of one carb unit. Most of the time this is quit a calculation to find the exact...

Free Apps

The Sweetbee apps are created to make your live easy. Giving you quick insights on your diabetes. The apps can be downloaded through the ’App Store of ITunes,  and the Google android store


Sweetbee BV | Van 'tSestichlaan 3 | 3020 Herent